
Friday Jan 10, 2014
Canada and Chaos, Ep116 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Jan 10, 2014
Friday Jan 10, 2014
Its the Bob and Doug McKenzie tribute show!!! I think Thomson would have gotten along very well with the McKenzie brothers! Thomson is pumped up today, why? Because he's a 4yo, that's why!!!
Warning, this show may contain silly jokes and use of words like poop & fart!
Thanks for listening! Now go forth, share & love each other!!

Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Electromagnetism and Forces, Ep115 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Do you know the 4 forces in the universe? OK, Thomson didn't know them either, but Dad does! Thomson also learns about icicles, something we don't get a lot of in San Francisco, but we are thinking about all of those dealing with lots of icicles right now- brrrrr!
Thanks for listening- stay warm and EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!!

Monday Jan 06, 2014
Book Author and Variations, Ep114 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Monday Jan 06, 2014
Monday Jan 06, 2014
Sometimes Thomson even astounds his Mom & Dad! You will never believe what Thomson did today, all by himself! But you'll have to listen to find out WHAT! I'm not going to spoil it. We would like to hear your comments, because apparently Thomson wants to have an auction!
Thanks for listening, special warm shout-outs to all those struggling with super cold weather- ELE!

Friday Jan 03, 2014
Cereal and Comics, Ep113 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Friday Jan 03, 2014
Friday Jan 03, 2014
HAPPY NEW YEAR LISTENERS! Hear all about the goodies that Santa left! Also, by special request, Thomson talks about what kind of cereals he likes! We are so grateful for all of our blessings- a happy & healthy family, a nice holiday, and lots of listeners that like to hear Thomson & Dad talk a lot! We wish you all lots of love & joy in 2014. You know, its never a bad time to feel grateful and give presents! ELE!!!

Thursday Dec 19, 2013
Christmas Show Part-1, ep112 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Dec 19, 2013
Thursday Dec 19, 2013
Thomson learns the story of Christmas and reads the days entry on the Advent calendar! There is also a discussion of Santa Claus and there will be more on the next part, so stay tuned!
Merry Christmas- Everybody Love Everybody!

Monday Dec 16, 2013
The Raven, a special reading on A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Monday Dec 16, 2013
Monday Dec 16, 2013
Under the piercing gaze of one of Hitchcock's fake ravens used in "The Birds", John reads "The Raven" to Thomson. Thomson loves the thrill of something scarey, so when given the choice of what Dad would read to him, naturally he picked Edgar Allen Poe. I hope you find this reading as riveting as I did!
Happy Holidays- ELE!

Tuesday Dec 10, 2013
The Mummy and School, EP111 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Dec 10, 2013
Tuesday Dec 10, 2013
Thomson loves monster movies from the 1930's! They aren't really that scary, so they are fun for kids that are interested in monsters and such. They are really fun for the whole family! But now with Holiday season upon us, its time to switch to holiday movies. What's your favorite family holiday movie? Comment right here- and we'll watch and review it! (some restrictions may apply- like I'm not going to show Thomson Bad Santa!)
Happy Holidays- ELE!

Monday Dec 09, 2013
Special Guest- Tara on Ep110 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Monday Dec 09, 2013
Monday Dec 09, 2013
Wild show today with Aunt Tara! We're talking about alligators and Tyrannosaurus rex- learn about their brains and stomachs and all sorts of fun facts. Thanks for listening- please share with your friends and family, cause sharing is caring!

Wednesday Dec 04, 2013
Aging and Holidays, Ep109 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Dec 04, 2013
Wednesday Dec 04, 2013
Prepare to get tickled, put a smile on your face and maybe get a bit choked up! That's what ya get on a radio show with a 4yo host!
Remember- Sharing is Caring!

Monday Dec 02, 2013
Thanksgiving Show Part-3, Thomson talks about food and movies!
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Thomson is fibbing- he DID eat Thanksgiving stuff, not a PB & honey sandwich! Why is he making his Momma look bad?! Because its much more entertaining to talk about Abbot and Costello! and monster movies! and helicopters!
We are sooooo very grateful for our listeners, hope you all had a Thanksgiving full of love and gratitude. ELE!

Monday Dec 02, 2013
Thanksgiving Show Part-2, Momma!
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Thanksgiving told through the eyes of 3 participants! In a world where nothing is as it seems and you don't know who to trust... comes a story so big that it can't be contained in only one show!!!!! OK, its not all that, its only me talking about our day of love and gratitude. Don't worry, the real star of the show is back in PART-3!!!
If you care, comment & share! ;)

Monday Dec 02, 2013
Thanksgiving Show Part-1, Grandmother!
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Monday Dec 02, 2013
A Cup of Coffee with Thomson's NUMBER 1 FAN as a special guest on part-1 of the Thanksgiving special! Coming to San Francisco all the way from Kalamazoo, Michigan (yes, there really is a Kalamazoo!)- Hello Grandmother! Consider this our Thanksgiving Rashomon, told from the point of view of 3 participants! Enjoy & check out all 3 parts!

Wednesday Nov 27, 2013
Wednesday Nov 27, 2013
Thomson sure loves old monster movies- Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, and of course the Abbott and Costello versions! We're talking the originals here- from the 30's-40's, which are quite fantastic (and not nearly as scary!). If you haven't watched the originals, check them out.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our loyal listeners and our new ones, too! We are grateful for you all, and we are grateful that we can share a little bit of our family with you on this podcast. Peace, everybody love everybody!

Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Chemistry and Dinosaurs, EP107 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Thomson now flies through his books, he's been reading on his own for almost a year! His comprehension and memory is off the charts- so if you failed chemistry or never got down your periodic table, come study with Thomson- he makes it fun!
Special shout outs to Basher Books for making Thomson's favorite books and to Podbean for featuring us this week on their website! If you are a new listener, check out archived episodes where 4yo Thomson talks about trains, astronomy, music, heroes, villains, and one of his favorite subjects- Stephen Hawking! We also make hockey podcasts and movie reviews, so stop back by or add our mobile app to your iphone.
Thanks for listening- ELE!!

Monday Nov 18, 2013
Periodics and Carousel SUSPENSE! Ep106 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Nov 18, 2013
Monday Nov 18, 2013
Dubnium Step!? You've never heard of it? Listen and discuss!
Thanks for your support and feedback- always appreciated! ELE!

Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
Chemistry and Rocks and Minerals, Ep105 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
Wednesday Nov 13, 2013
Do you know your chemicals for life? Me neither, but Thomson does! Oh, and he gets a little agro about green house gases! Learn more about amber and all sorts of things with Thomson and his dad! Special guest appearance by Cranky & Charlie!
Thanks for listening- ELE!

Friday Nov 08, 2013
Cranky Crane and Jazz, EP104 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Nov 08, 2013
Friday Nov 08, 2013
Thomson earned 50 stickers by doing chores and got to cash them in to get Cranky the Crane to add to his Thomas train set! He's pretty excited! Thomson & John also talk about Jazz musicians and Laurel Hill Nursery School. Special shout outs and prayers for healing to Allie and all of the family. ELE!

Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
Abbot and Costello and Movies, EP103 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
Tuesday Nov 05, 2013
Thomson wasn't into trick-or-treating this year, but he does like to watch 'scary' movies- like "The Private Eyes" and "Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein"! What? You've never seen them? Well, why not? And if you'd like more movie suggestions, check out John Madden's Movie Reviews, right here on WGDA Radio!
Thanks for listening, ELE!

Friday Nov 01, 2013
Weather and Earth, EP102 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Friday Nov 01, 2013
Friday Nov 01, 2013
Thomson loves to play imaginative games like running from tornadoes and staying on his 'boat' (a blanket on the floor) during a hurricane! He learns about all of this weather stuff from his cool Basher book on weather, and of course from his Dad, who knows a lot about a lot of things! Who knows, maybe YOU, our dear listeners; will learn something new! And if you don't- pick a subject that you would like to have Thomson & John talk about and they will do it!!!
Very special shout outs today to Alexandra VanWay, who is in the hospital and needs all of our love and healing energy to beat crohn's disease into submission. If you would like more information about crohn's or would like to do something to help find a cure, visit http://www.ccfa.org/escapethestall/.
Thanks for listening! ELE!

Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Halloween and Scotland, EP101 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Wednesday Oct 30, 2013
Thomson has been fascinated with all of the houses decorated for Halloween and pumpkins, too! He picked out his pumpkin at the Pumpkin Patch yesterday, after a hay ride and crawling through the hay fort tunnels!
Thanks for listening! ELE!

Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
100TH EPISODE SPECIAL - PART-2 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
Just like some of the best anniversary tv shows, on this show Thomson & John reminisce about past episodes! We'd like to hear from YOU- what are your favorite episodes of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson?? Tell us about it and you could be our next SPECIAL GUEST on the show!!! Thanks for listening- EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!!

Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
100TH EPISODE SPECIAL- PART-1 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
Thomson was so excited after a birthday party on Sunday that he was having a tough time going to sleep- so what's the best cure for a kid's insomnia? MAKE A RADIO SHOW, OF COURSE!! Well, it worked for Thomson, anyway! He did go to sleep afterwards, but apparently he was right about the cupcake moving around in his belly, because it decided to make a 2nd appearance at about 4:30am!! Oh well!
Hard to believe we've done 100 episodes since March 2013! Its great to include our progeny in what we love to do- make media of all types- radio, shorts, feature films- we love to do it all and we are so glad you have checked us out! If you are hungry for more, check out http://whaddyagonnadoaboutit.com/

Tuesday Oct 22, 2013
State Names and Chinese, EP99 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Tuesday Oct 22, 2013
Tuesday Oct 22, 2013
Its the 99TH EPISODE!!! We will be doing something special for our 100TH episode, so stay tuned!! Today's show has Thomson learning the state names and practicing Chinese? He can read, but he doesn't always pronounce them correctly, which is pretty funny! 99 episodes - we sure love to do this! Glad you like to listen! ELE!

Monday Oct 21, 2013
Highlights and Spanish, EP98 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Oct 21, 2013
Monday Oct 21, 2013
Thomson works on his Spanish, thanks to Highlights magazine! Remember Highlights? Lots of people my generation remember reading them in the doctor's office! Thomson has a subscription, thanks to Aunt Angela!
Do you have a topic you are burning to hear Thomson talk about? Comment and let us know! If we use your topic, we'll give you a SHOUT OUT! ELE!

Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Airplane and Hockey, EP97 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Where does Thomson get this cute little accent from? What do you think? We are excited about the Red Wings game tonight, but Thomson picked the Colorado Avalanche to win?? A TRAVESTY in the Madden household! LOL!
Thanks for listening- Everybody LOVE Everybody- even Avalanche fans;)

Tuesday Oct 15, 2013
John Ryan and Science, EP96 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Oct 15, 2013
Tuesday Oct 15, 2013
Thomson got to hang out with his super cool cousin, John Ryan! They talked about rocks and minerals and Thomson showed him around the Academy of Sciences. John and Nancy brought beautiful flowers from Hawaii & California! Plus, Thomson's HOCKEY PICKS!!! How do your picks match up with Thomson? Comment & let us know!

Friday Oct 11, 2013
Dreams and Quinoa, EP95 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Oct 11, 2013
Friday Oct 11, 2013
HAPPY FRIDAY! Thomson tells a fantastic story today- what an imagination! Sea-going ghosts and spiders and hurricanes!
More hockey picks, whaddya you think about Thomson's hockey picks?
Thanks for listening- ELE!

Thursday Oct 10, 2013
NHL Picks and Trains, EP94 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Its Hockey season, that means there's a lot of hockey going on in our house! Thomson is getting some opinions about teams and learning more about the game. Thomson says- BE COOL & STOP HANGING LIKE A BARNACLE!!!
Special shout outs to John Ryan who's heading to San Francisco and Bubba- who is getting married very soon!

Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Leaf Prints and Niceness, EP93 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Have you figured out that Thomson can read yet? He's been reading since about 3.5 years old, and his comprehension level is quite amazing! Today Thomson reads about making leaf prints and talks about our latest mystery! Where did this spot on our roof come from? We'll get Scooby Doo and the gang right no it! Thanks for listening- ELE!

Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Thomas Magazine and Mellow, Ep92 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Thomson is pretty focused on Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his friends today! Very mellow show, kind of a mellow day! Hope your day is easy and mellow, too! And don't forget to enter VFW's scholarship contest, deadline is Nov 1st! There are 2 programs for different age groups, find out more here:
Thanks for listening, ELE!