
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 16
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
More of the Jules Verne classic, great for the whole family!

Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Movie Reviews! "There Will Be Blood"
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Trying to decide what to watch tonight? We've got ya covered! Check out our movie reviews, in less than 2 minutes our film historian, John Madden; will tell you what he thinks! If you haven't seen this one, well maybe its time!

Monday Jul 07, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 15
Monday Jul 07, 2014
Monday Jul 07, 2014
These chapters in the South Pole are incredible! Just like us, you won't want to stop until you get to the end! So here's a bunch of chapters so you can do that, if you like! Thanks for joining us for bedtime stories with Thomson!

Monday Jul 07, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 14
Monday Jul 07, 2014
Monday Jul 07, 2014
Its time for bedtime stories with Thomson, and these last chapters are awesome! We would love to hear your thoughts on this Jules Verne classic, leave us a comment!

Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Literature and the Solar System, ep154 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Is Pluto a planet or not? What do you think? Do you know which planets in our solar system has moons? Thomson does! And BTW, Daddy; Mars' moons are Phobos and Deimos!! Doesn't everyone know that? ;)
Thanks for listening- ELE!!

Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 12 and 13
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
As Thomson says, this story just gets gooder & gooder! We find out where all the gold comes from, but will the Professor and his group escape captivity on the Nautilus?

Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 11
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
What is this Captain Nemo, which in Latin also translates as "No-man" or "No-body"; all about? Discussion is welcome, either on our facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/whaddyagonnadoaboutit or on iTunes- https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/whaddya-gonna-do-about-it/id655807139?mt=2
Thanks for joining us for Bedtime Stories! Look at the category section to see what other podcasts we do!

Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 10
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
An UNDER SEA TUNNEL?! Are they Captain Nemo's prisoners? Will they escape? Listen on and find out!

Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 9
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Thursday Jul 03, 2014
Ceylon and the Indian Ocean- such excitement with Captain Nemo, Professor Aronnax and Ned Land! And SHARKS! Hope you are enjoying this as much as we are!

Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 8
Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Another chapter of the Jules Verne classic! We hope you are enjoying this, because we love reading together! We would like to hear about what your family reads together- drop us a line at jody@whaddyagonnadoaboutit.com. Thanks for listening!

Monday Jun 30, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 7
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
What will the enigmatic Captain Nemo do next? Follow along with us every night for the Jules Verne classic, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"! Hope you are enjoying our newest series- Bedtime stories with Thomson! We would love to hear your feedback!
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Catching up and guest: Sean Connery on ep153 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Its summer- time for summer camps, baseball, and even special guest Sean Connery! Really?! You will only know if you listen ALL THE WAY TILL THE END!! ELE!!

Monday Jun 30, 2014
cinema3way ep3.3-genre films- "Easy Rider"
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
What do you think of this slice of American Pie? This was a film that defined a generation, and it still entertains and surprises today. Haven't seen it? Shame on you! Unless you are from Turkey, like our charming host Birsen, who gives us an interesting 'outsider' pov of American culture in the 60's. Our resident film historian, John Madden, fills in a lot of the holes for her. What about you- dear listener and the 3rd in our 3way? What do you think of this iconic film? Comment, share and let us know what group of films we should do next?

Monday Jun 30, 2014
cinema3way ep3.2-genre films- "The Mack"
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
The genre of Blaxploitation has been derided by critics and many organizations such as the NAACP, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and National Urban League; who contributed to the demise of the genre in the late 1970's. However, many of the films did realistically represent the black urban experience, like The Mack, which has had a huge influence on American culture. If you haven't seen it, listen to the show and watch it- participate in our 3way! Comments & shares welcome!

Monday Jun 30, 2014
cinema3way ep3.1-genre films- "Fist of Legend"
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Monday Jun 30, 2014
Join charming Birsen Birdir & John Madden for our cinema3way! This show is all about genre films! Listen to all 3 shows to learn about some of the great genre films of all time! YOU are the third in our cinema3way- so participate by commenting, sharing, and watching these fantastic films!

Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 6
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Who is your favorite character in Jules Verne's literary classic? We want to hear from you!

Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 5
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Are you enjoying the reading of this literary classic as much as Thomson and his family? Please let us know with your comments, subscriptions and share! Also available on iTunes- https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/whaddya-gonna-do-about-it/id655807139?mt=2
Thanks for sharing your bedtime with us!

Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 4
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Oh boy, Jules Verne sure can spin a yarn! Each chapter more exciting than the next!

Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 3
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Thursday Jun 26, 2014
Sure, your kids know Nemo, but do they know CAPTAIN NEMO?? Jules Verne is a master at adventures, and this youth version of the classic read by John Madden to Thomson is so exciting! A chapter every night- so grab the whole family and snuggle up for chapter 3!

Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Bedtime Stories, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, Chapter 2
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Snuggle up with the whole family for this exciting adventure- chapter 2 of Jules Verne's literary classic.

Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Bedtime Stories, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", Chapter 1
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
For all of you who have enjoyed the voice of John Madden, let him thrill you and lull you to sleep with the classics of literature. Snuggle up with the whole family for the young readers classic version of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"! Thomson is LOVING this, hope you do too!

Monday Jun 23, 2014
Vacation and Bedtime Stories, ep152 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Sorry for the absence, Thomson's Dad is teaching kids digital storytelling and claymation at the SF REC & PARK summer camp! Rewarding work, but Thomson is having coffee with Momma at the TV station instead of at home with Dad. We have launched a new show to reflect the new schedule- Bedtime stories with Thomson! Hope you will follow along with us as we read the classics of literature with Thomson. Of course we will continue making the original Cup of Coffee with Thomson- don't worry!
Thanks for listening and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMOTHER!

Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Marin and Family, Ep151 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Family vacation in West Marin, yeah!!! It was terrific! Tree houses, tire swings, fishing, western parade, sea shells, beaches, redwoods, crazy birds, pancake breakfast- what more could you ask for? Only more time! Thanks for listening- ELE!

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
SPECIAL150! 4-part Cup of Coffee with Thomson!! PART-4
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Thomson has a pack of birthday candles in his hand and he's ready for action! But before we light the candles, we want to share with our dear listeners how this whole thing got started. We've now done over 150 shows, and we hope to do 150 more if you will keep listening and sharing! ELE!

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
SPECIAL150! 4-part Cup of Coffee with Thomson!! PART-3
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMSON! He's 5 years old today! He talks about presents and other fun birthday stuff. Stay tuned for 1 more in our 4-part 150 episode special!!
Please share if you care! ELE!

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
SPECIAL150! 4-part Cup of Coffee with Thomson!! PART-2
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
VERY special episode- you've heard Thomson talk about science, you have even heard him wish to have a scientist as a guest on the show- well WISHES REALLY DO COME TRUE! Thomson gets to talk to Dr. Brian, a microbiologist! Amazing! I know my child is smart, but this episode floored even Momma!
Thanks for encouraging Thomson- we love you all!

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
SPECIAL150! 4-part Cup of Coffee with Thomson!! PART-1
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Hard to believe that we have done 150 episodes of this cute little show! Help us celebrate Thomson's achievement and his 5th birthday with this special 4-part show! Part-1 is all about Green Lantern, superheroes, and cell structure!
Thanks for listening- you encourage us to keep up with this! Plus, if you can't tell, Thomson LOVES to do radio shows for you! ELE!

Friday May 30, 2014
School ends and Extreme Biology, Ep150 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Friday May 30, 2014
Friday May 30, 2014
This kid is sad that school ended and is reading about Extreme Biology! I think that's pretty unusual, don't you? So, do you know who Craig Venter is? Do you know what extreme biology is? Well in the words of Thomson's grandmother, "LOOK IT UP!" Thomson did, and he can tell you something about it! BTW, we would love to have someone on the show to talk about extreme biology, if you are interested please send a message to jody@whaddyagonnadoaboutit.com.
Thanks for your support, your shares and your comments!! ELE!

Friday May 23, 2014
Friday May 23, 2014
Thomson has an interesting idea of the scientific method! Maybe its better, who am I to squelch the innovation of an almost-5yo! Thomson's reading as progressed enough that he is reading chapter books with very few pictures, so that means its time to start reading the classics of literature! What's your favorite classic book?
Thanks for listening, Everybody Love Everybody, and please spread that love around with a share!

Thursday May 22, 2014
Pencil Holding and Food, guest:Roger Moore on Ep148 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday May 22, 2014
Thursday May 22, 2014
Special guest Roger Moore- WOW! Hope you enjoy today's chat with soon-to-be 5yo Thomson and his Dad, John Madden!
Thanks for the support, please share us with your friends and family!