
Friday May 29, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-10_Part-3
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
The 3rd and final part of chapter 10, a VERY exciting chapter! Thanks for listening, check back tomorrow for chapter 11!

Friday May 29, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-10_Part-2
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
The quest to find the Wicked Witch continues!

Friday May 29, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-10_Part-1
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
The Search for the Wicked Witch!! Will Dorothy and her friends be able to destroy her?
Thanks for listening, please share with your friends and family! ELE!

Friday May 29, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-9_Part-2
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
Part-2 of chapter 9, isn't this exciting?! What is your favorite character?

Friday May 29, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-9_Part-1
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
The Great Oz! This is a long chapter so its in 2 parts. What do you think of Thomson's reading skills? Can you understand him ok? We'd love to hear your feedback, hope you are enjoying it! ELE!

Friday May 29, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-8
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
The Emerald City!! Are they at the end of their journey? Will the Wizard grant their wishes?
If you missed any chapters, click on Bedtime Stories under categories to see all of the Bedtime Stories we have done so far!

Thursday May 28, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-7
Thursday May 28, 2015
Thursday May 28, 2015
The Queen of the field mice?! Don't remember this one in the movie! Lots of surprises in L. Frank Baum's classic, which he wrote for his sister. Check back tomorrow for the next chapter, and please share! ELE!

Tuesday May 26, 2015
Movie Reviews: Faster, Pussycat! KILL! KILL!
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
What? You've never seen this iconic, hilarious, shocking film by Russ Meyer? Well you are in for a real treat! Russ Meyer was an auteur like no other....

Tuesday May 26, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-6
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
The deadly poppy field! This part is scarey, don't you think? Thanks for listening, please share! ELE!

Friday May 22, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-5
Friday May 22, 2015
Friday May 22, 2015
Time to meet the Cowardly Lion! What fun! I hope your family is enjoying this as much as we are! Check back tomorrow for chapter 6, thanks for listening.

Friday May 22, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-4
Friday May 22, 2015
Friday May 22, 2015
Time for another Bedtime Story with Thomson! In this chapter we get to meet the Tinman! Check back tomorrow for chapter 5. Thanks for listening, ELE!

Friday May 22, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-3
Friday May 22, 2015
Friday May 22, 2015
Time to meet the Scarecrow!! How exciting. We would love to hear your feedback- how is Thomson doing? Check back tomorrow for chapter 4, ELE!

Friday May 22, 2015
Bedtime Stories, The Wizard of Oz, Chapter-1
Friday May 22, 2015
Friday May 22, 2015
Thomson has been reading since he was 3yo and this is one of his favorite books. So he wants to read it to YOU, dear listeners! If you only know this story from the movie, I think you are in for a wonderful surprise! Make sure to check back everyday for the next chapter. Thanks for listening- ELE!

Monday Mar 16, 2015
Teeth and Transformers, Ep199 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015
A surprise party for our listeners?! Well, we'll see!! 200 episodes is reason for a party! BTW, Thomson lost his 1st tooth!! And he's planning what Transformer he wants for his birthday!
Thanks for listening, did you know you can also listen to A Cup of Coffee with Thomson on our website? Check it out here: http://whaddyagonnadoaboutit.com/radio/#.VQb9OWa-pK0

Friday Mar 13, 2015
Certainty and Duality, Ep198 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Thomson is soaking up so much information, he is blowing our minds! He might blow yours, too, unless you happen to be James Burke!! Please share us with all your family and friends, and if you want to ask us a question- go to our facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/whaddyagonnadoaboutit. And please LIKE us, because WE like YOU!!

Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
7 liberal arts and multiplication, Ep197 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
BIG MILESTONE TODAY- Thomson lost his 1st tooth!! And he has learned the components of a liberal arts education! Thomson has been studying all of these for a couple of years, and perhaps you will marvel at his knowledge on today's show!!
Thanks for listening! Please share with all your friends & family!! Some of our avid fans listen to Cup of Coffee or Bedtime Stories every night with the whole family before bedtime! Lots of love- ELE!

Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Wild America and Nintendo, ep196 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Big difference between die and die laughing!!! LOL!! Do you know of Marty Stouffer's Wild America? Fantastic show all about the wilderness in North America, great for teaching your kids about wildlife! He sometimes even has his own kids on the show, its very much a family affair. Enjoy and SHARE PLEASE!

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Change and Jokes, Ep195 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
If you are Irish or Scottish, please don't be offended by this VERY bad joke!! In spite of a bad joke, very funny show! We hope it brightens up your day!!

Monday Feb 23, 2015
Extreme Physics and Particles, Ep194 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Feb 23, 2015
Monday Feb 23, 2015
OMG- the MOST AMAZING SHOW YET!!! Really, a 5 & 1/2 year old teaching Dad about quarks?! Truly incredible!!! Please be a dear and share this with everyone you know!!

Friday Feb 20, 2015
Connections and Wheels, Ep193 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Feb 20, 2015
Friday Feb 20, 2015
We're on a roll! Suddenly Thomson is excited about radio again!! Enjoy & have a lovely weekend!

Friday Feb 20, 2015
Weddings and Connections, Ep192 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Feb 20, 2015
Friday Feb 20, 2015
Great show about clay figures, weddings and the great James Burke educational series- Connections! Thanks for listening!

Friday Feb 06, 2015
Catching Up and Gratitude! Ep191 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Friday Feb 06, 2015
We're BACK after a long winter break! And it feels GOOD! So sit back & catch up with us- we would love to hear about YOU dear listener! You can write to us on our production company facebook site...

Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
A Cup of Coffee with Thomson, ep190 video version!
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Just testing out a new way to bring you Thomson's show! We would love to hear from you- like it? Prefer just straight audio podcast? Did it load OK on your computer or mobile device? Please give you feedback!

Monday Dec 15, 2014
"Work and Karma", ep190 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014
This kid is already getting his theater chops! And today he's going to experience Mutiny Radio! Thanks for listening, ELE!

Monday Dec 15, 2014
Bedtime Stories, The Swiss Family Robinson, Ch16
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014
and now... The exciting finale of Swiss Family Robinson!!! Hope you have enjoyed this story, stay tuned... the next Bedtime Story is The Oregon Trail! Nighty-night!

Friday Dec 12, 2014
Bedtime Stories, The Swiss Family Robinson, Ch14-15
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Almost done with this thrilling family classic! Hope you are enjoying it as much as us!

Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
Bedtime Stories, The Swiss Family Robinson, Ch13
Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
Wednesday Dec 10, 2014
Our island family adventure continues!!!

Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Outer Limits and Symphony, ep189 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Its time for show tunes!!! And the symphony?! Its a very musical episode today!
Thanks for listening- getting rough out there- just breathe and remember..

Friday Dec 05, 2014
Catch-up and Holidays, Ep188 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Yeah! A radio show!! Thomson wants to change things up a bit with his radio show, and WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!! What do you think? Video? Stick with Radio? Talk more about toys? More guests? Different topics? More locations? WE WANT YOUR INPUT!!! Easiest way to give us your input is to comment on our facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/whaddyagonnadoaboutit
We look forward to hearing from you! ELE!

Friday Dec 05, 2014
Bedtime Stories, The Swiss Family Robinson, Ch11-part-2 and Ch12
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
How cool is it to have a pet eagle!! I must say, this island has the most amazing diversity ;) Now, battling with brown bears!!