
Monday Jun 10, 2013
First Day of School! Ep49 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Jun 10, 2013
Monday Jun 10, 2013
Laurel Hill Nursery School- you rock our world! Our first day and boy was it wild! So many things to do, so many great kids, teachers & parents- its all a bit overwhelming! Thomson made it through with only a bit of a blow up when he had to go- who can blame him? Its so much fun, I don't know how they get any of the kids to leave! Thanks for listening and sharing! We love comments & we love you! ELE!

Friday Jun 07, 2013
Adventure & Aging, Ep48 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Jun 07, 2013
Friday Jun 07, 2013
Thomson tells us how FUN he is and how being a year older has changed him. Thanks for listening! ELE!

Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Birthday Show- Algebra & Extreme Biology- Ep47 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Thomson is very excited about the new Basher books that he got for his birthday! These are on Dinosaurs, Weather, Algebra & Geometry, and Extreme Biology! To find out more about these awesome books, here's a link: http://www.basherbooks.com/ You can seriously learn a lot from these books, right along with Thomson! Thanks for listening- we would love to hear from you! ELE!!

Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Birthday Show- Dinosaurs & Weather- Ep46 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Thomson turned 4yo on June 3rd! He has been the center of a birthday storm of relatives, friends, gifts and adventures for the last week, so we are making up for it with a special 2-part BIRTHDAY SHOW!!! Super cute, I hope you enjoy it! ELE!!

Saturday May 25, 2013
Rocks and Minerals, Ep45 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Saturday May 25, 2013
Saturday May 25, 2013
Thomson is becoming so good at being a radio show host! Thomson loves rocks & minerals- do you know the names of these? Time to learn something from a 4yo!!! AND- Thomson asks- WHO'S OUT THERE?? Leave a message for Thomson so he knows who's listening- and you will be a special shout out! Thanks for listening- ELE!

Friday May 24, 2013
Periodic Table Advances on Ep44 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday May 24, 2013
Friday May 24, 2013
Thomson memorized the Periodic Table of Elements when he was 2yo, so now its time to learn a little bit more about these elements that make up our world! Thomson just loves to soak up these stuff- so much so that he doesn't want to say goodbye this time! Keep listening, and we'll keep getting better! We love you! ELE!!!

Thursday May 23, 2013
Detroit RedWings VS Chicago Blackhawks, Round2 of playoffs on Magic Number Nine
Thursday May 23, 2013
Thursday May 23, 2013
After 3 games in this incredible series, are we looking at an upset in progress? Get a great inside look at this incredible match up by literally one of the BIGGEST REDWINGS FAN in broadcasting- John Madden! Get pumped up for the game tonight with Magic Number Nine!

Thursday May 23, 2013
Science Museum and UnderDog, Ep43 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday May 23, 2013
Thursday May 23, 2013
Thomson is in rare form today! He plays "Twinkle, Twinkle" on the xylophone, talks about the rain forest, technology and meteors AND manages to spill egg & chorizo all over the place. Don't you love 4 year olds?! BTW, if you can help John with chorizo cooking hints, please post a comment here! Thanks for your support! ELE!!

Wednesday May 22, 2013
Sharks VS Kings, Round2 of playoffs on Magic Number Nine
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Who will win this California throw down? And who will the winner play next? Get recaps & predictions here on Magic Number Nine- your NHL playoff hockey podcast!

Wednesday May 22, 2013
Rangers VS Bruins, round 2 playoffs on Magic Number Nine
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Catch up on the playoff games with Magic Number Nine hockey podcasts! Don't miss a minute- this is one of the most exciting NHL playoff seasons ever!

Monday May 20, 2013
Madagascar and Sandwich, Ep42 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday May 20, 2013
Monday May 20, 2013
Thomson was such a good kid on Saturday that he got to pick out a video at Le Video- THE spot for renting videos in SF (and with many places closing, its one of the ONLY places left to rent videos)! He chose Madagascar- maybe you've heard of it? We had a ball watching it as a family, and as you can hear- it made quite an impression on Thomson! Keep listening & Sharing- 11K and growing strong! ELE!!

Friday May 17, 2013
Pizza LIVE on location, ep41 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Friday May 17, 2013
Friday May 17, 2013
Lesson of today's show- don't go around licking everything!! LOL!! Special shout outs to Sir Nick Dandy, Aunt Laurie & Grandmother! Also to our 2 most favorite neighborhood businesses- Free Gold Watch and Cafe Cole!! We love you! Now go love everybody else!! ELE!!

Wednesday May 15, 2013
Hockey & Bad Coffee, ep40 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Wednesday May 15, 2013
Wednesday May 15, 2013
Thomson is into whispering lately! He's also into yelling! We're hoping he figures out the appropriate times for each of these as some point! And after watching Jaime Oliver's food revolution, I now know that Thomson can name more vegetables than many American adults! But that doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy pizza for lunch! Thanks for listening!! ELE!!

Tuesday May 14, 2013
Magic Number 9- HOCKEY PLAYOFFS- round2- Part-2 THE WEST
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Some of the most exciting playoff hockey in years! Get the update here on Magic Number Nine!!

Tuesday May 14, 2013
Magic Number 9- HOCKEY PLAYOFFS- round2- Part-1 THE EAST
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Get the full recap of round 2 of the NHL HOCKEY PLAYOFFS! Part-1 THE EAST!

Tuesday May 14, 2013
Chinese & History, Ep39 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Tuesday May 14, 2013
What a brilliant little boy! His Mandarin pronunciation is very good, what do you think? Thanks for checking out the show- ELE!!

Friday May 10, 2013
10K Listeners Special Part-1 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday May 10, 2013
Friday May 10, 2013
THOMSON'S 1ST BASEBALL GAME! Wow, what an experience going to AT&T Park to see the Giants play the Atlanta Braves. Thomson is so pumped up from this, he wanted to go back again today! Thanks for listening- ELE!!

Friday May 10, 2013
10K Listener Special Part-2 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday May 10, 2013
Friday May 10, 2013
Brush up on your French with Thomson! We love all of you- ELE!

Thursday May 09, 2013
Chinese & Languages, Ep38 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday May 09, 2013
Thursday May 09, 2013
Thomson loves languages! Mandarin, German, Japanese- can any of our listeners tell us how to say 11 in Japanese? Our lessons only go to 10! Thanks to all of you for pushing us over the 10,000 mark- we will have a special 2-part show tomorrow! EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!

Wednesday May 08, 2013
10,000 listeners & French, Ep37 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday May 08, 2013
Wednesday May 08, 2013
Lots of love to over 10,000 listeners! THANK YOU! Thomson & John are practicing their French today! Thomson loves to learn other languages- so far he knows a little bit of French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Mandarin. How wonderful to understand at so young and age that there are as many ways to express our thoughts & describe the world around us as there are people in this world! ELE- KEEP LEARNING EVERYONE!

Tuesday May 07, 2013
Catch Up Show- Beatles & Hockey, ep36 of a Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Tuesday May 07, 2013
EPISODE 36 IS THE CUTEST EPISODE EVER! This one choked me up a bit! I hope you enjoy it as much as me! Special shout outs to Matt, Relissa, Sol, Dena, Dave- we love you all!

Saturday May 04, 2013
Acrosports & Hockey, Ep35 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Saturday May 04, 2013
Saturday May 04, 2013
EPISODE 35: ACROSPORTS & HOCKEY Thomson talks about Thai food, fungus, acrobats, hockey, and Thomas the Tank Engine. You know, usual 4 year old stuff! ELE!!! KEEP SHARING WITH YOUR FRIENDS, WE'RE ALMOST TO 10,000!

Friday May 03, 2013
Rangers VS Capitals- GAME 1 on Magic Number Nine
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
Full recap & in depth look into the NY RANGERS VS. WASHINGTON CAPITALS on Magic Number Nine- your resource for playoff hockey!!

Friday May 03, 2013
Senators VS Canadiens- GAME 1 on Magic Number Nine
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
Wow- was this a great match up with a fantastic crowd! Hockey Night in Canadien puts NBC coverage of NHL playoffs to shame! Get the full recap here on Magic Number Nine, for this & ALL the playoff hockey!

Friday May 03, 2013
Kings VS. Blues- GAME 2 on Magic Number Nine
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
KINGS VS. BLUES- who will win this showdown? Get the full recap of GAME 2 on Magic Number Nine! ELE & WATCH MORE HOCKEY!

Friday May 03, 2013
Ducks VS. Red Wings- GAME 2 on Magic Number Nine
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
Oh boy, are we happy Red Wings fans today!!! Duck fans need not apply to this broadcast, you WILL be offended! ELE & WATCH MORE HOCKEY!!! LET'S GO RED WINGS!!!

Friday May 03, 2013
Leafs VS Bruins- Game 1 on Magic Number Nine
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
Are the Toronto Maple Leafs hungry enough to bring down the incredible talent of the Boston Bruins? Get an in depth look at all of the play off games & the teams still in the running for the Stanley Cup on... MAGIC NUMBER NINE- Your play off hockey podcast, now available on mobile! http://whaddyagonnadoaboutit.podbean.com/mobile/ ELE!! WATCH MORE HOCKEY!

Friday May 03, 2013
Penguins VS Islanders- Game 1 on Magic Number Nine
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
Magic Number Nine takes a look at the depth of the Pittsburgh Penguins and the impending move & doom of the New York Islanders. WATCH MORE HOCKEY! And catch up on what you didn't watch with Magic Number Nine- also available on our mobile app! http://whaddyagonnadoaboutit.podbean.com/mobile/

Friday May 03, 2013
Sharks VS Canucks- Game 1 on Magic Number Nine
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
SHARKS VS. CANUCKS- GAME 1 Magic Number Nine, your PLAY OFF HOCKEY PODCAST, takes an in-depth look at these two teams- who will win this battle of the west? WATCH LOTS OF HOCKEY! ELE!

Thursday May 02, 2013
Beatles & Hockey- EP34 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday May 02, 2013
Thursday May 02, 2013
EPISODE 34: BEATLES & HOCKEY THE MADDEN FAMILY GOES HOCKEY CRAZY! And mad for the Beatles, too. The three of us actually DO live in a Yellow Submarine- ya know! If you are listening on iTunes or on the WGDA RADIO APP (http://whaddyagonnadoaboutit.podbean.com/mobile/) you also get to see an awesome picture of Thomson's art- titled by him "Black Hole - Eris". IF this isn't enough hockey for ya', check out Magic Number Nine! WE LOVE YOU! ELE!