
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
100TH EPISODE SPECIAL- PART-1 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
Thomson was so excited after a birthday party on Sunday that he was having a tough time going to sleep- so what's the best cure for a kid's insomnia? MAKE A RADIO SHOW, OF COURSE!! Well, it worked for Thomson, anyway! He did go to sleep afterwards, but apparently he was right about the cupcake moving around in his belly, because it decided to make a 2nd appearance at about 4:30am!! Oh well!
Hard to believe we've done 100 episodes since March 2013! Its great to include our progeny in what we love to do- make media of all types- radio, shorts, feature films- we love to do it all and we are so glad you have checked us out! If you are hungry for more, check out http://whaddyagonnadoaboutit.com/

Friday Oct 25, 2013
Movie Reviews! - "Top Hat"
Friday Oct 25, 2013
Friday Oct 25, 2013
Some of the most spectacular production numbers ever made! John Madden reviews one of the most loved musicals of all time. Like John Madden's Movie Reviews? They're made to add a 1minute pizazz to any radio program. If you audiophiles wanna add Movie Reviews to your radio show- give us a shout jody@whaddyagonnadoaboutit.com.

Wednesday Oct 23, 2013
Movie Reviews! - "Straw Dogs"
Wednesday Oct 23, 2013
Wednesday Oct 23, 2013
This movie packs a punch! Don't underestimate Sam Peckinpah. This is one of the greatest movies on the nature of masculinity ever made, it goes where most fear to tread. If you have not seen the original, listen to this and watch if you dare!

Tuesday Oct 22, 2013
State Names and Chinese, EP99 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Tuesday Oct 22, 2013
Tuesday Oct 22, 2013
Its the 99TH EPISODE!!! We will be doing something special for our 100TH episode, so stay tuned!! Today's show has Thomson learning the state names and practicing Chinese? He can read, but he doesn't always pronounce them correctly, which is pretty funny! 99 episodes - we sure love to do this! Glad you like to listen! ELE!

Monday Oct 21, 2013
Highlights and Spanish, EP98 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Oct 21, 2013
Monday Oct 21, 2013
Thomson works on his Spanish, thanks to Highlights magazine! Remember Highlights? Lots of people my generation remember reading them in the doctor's office! Thomson has a subscription, thanks to Aunt Angela!
Do you have a topic you are burning to hear Thomson talk about? Comment and let us know! If we use your topic, we'll give you a SHOUT OUT! ELE!

Friday Oct 18, 2013
Movie Reviews! - "You Can't Take It With You"
Friday Oct 18, 2013
Friday Oct 18, 2013
You've asked for it- here it is! Film historian John Madden gives quick reviews of some of his favorite movies of all time! Even if you are a movie buff, you are bound to run across some films that are new to YOU! In this review- you may know Frank Capra, but do you know "You Can't Take It With You"?

Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Magic Number Nine Hockey Broadcast, 10/17/13
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Avalanche undefeated, strong Sharks opening, who else looks good so far in the NHL? John Madden has been called a hockey expert, amongst other things! Whether you agree with his analysis or not, this dude knows A LOT about hockey! So if you are a fan of the best sport in the world, you are gonna like MAGIC NUMBER NINE!!
Special SHOUT OUTS to Laurie Madden and Vinecenzo Muro for commenting on the significance of the number nine. We love comments, so tell us what you think!

Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Airplane and Hockey, EP97 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Thursday Oct 17, 2013
Where does Thomson get this cute little accent from? What do you think? We are excited about the Red Wings game tonight, but Thomson picked the Colorado Avalanche to win?? A TRAVESTY in the Madden household! LOL!
Thanks for listening- Everybody LOVE Everybody- even Avalanche fans;)

Tuesday Oct 15, 2013
John Ryan and Science, EP96 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Oct 15, 2013
Tuesday Oct 15, 2013
Thomson got to hang out with his super cool cousin, John Ryan! They talked about rocks and minerals and Thomson showed him around the Academy of Sciences. John and Nancy brought beautiful flowers from Hawaii & California! Plus, Thomson's HOCKEY PICKS!!! How do your picks match up with Thomson? Comment & let us know!

Friday Oct 11, 2013
Dreams and Quinoa, EP95 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Oct 11, 2013
Friday Oct 11, 2013
HAPPY FRIDAY! Thomson tells a fantastic story today- what an imagination! Sea-going ghosts and spiders and hurricanes!
More hockey picks, whaddya you think about Thomson's hockey picks?
Thanks for listening- ELE!

Thursday Oct 10, 2013
NHL Picks and Trains, EP94 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Its Hockey season, that means there's a lot of hockey going on in our house! Thomson is getting some opinions about teams and learning more about the game. Thomson says- BE COOL & STOP HANGING LIKE A BARNACLE!!!
Special shout outs to John Ryan who's heading to San Francisco and Bubba- who is getting married very soon!

Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Magic Number Nine Hockey Broadcast, 10/10/13
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Gearing up for the Red Wing game tonight! PLUS up to date hockey news, exciting recaps of last night's games, who's injured, who's suspended. Lots of good games tonight, John makes his picks.
Magic Number Nine- the ONLY 7min hockey broadcast- fast and hard-hitting just like the BEST SPORT IN THE WORLD!

Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Magic Number Nine Hockey Broadcast, 10/7/13
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Preview of games coming up, over view and analysis of weekend games, and of course LOTS of Red Wings talk! Is Chicago still the team to beat this season? How WILL the Sharks do this season? How do you feel about fighting in hockey?

Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Leaf Prints and Niceness, EP93 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Have you figured out that Thomson can read yet? He's been reading since about 3.5 years old, and his comprehension level is quite amazing! Today Thomson reads about making leaf prints and talks about our latest mystery! Where did this spot on our roof come from? We'll get Scooby Doo and the gang right no it! Thanks for listening- ELE!

Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Thomas Magazine and Mellow, Ep92 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Thomson is pretty focused on Thomas the Tank Engine and all of his friends today! Very mellow show, kind of a mellow day! Hope your day is easy and mellow, too! And don't forget to enter VFW's scholarship contest, deadline is Nov 1st! There are 2 programs for different age groups, find out more here:
Thanks for listening, ELE!

Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Mellow and Monday, Ep91 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Tuesday Oct 08, 2013
Its a beautiful summer day in San Francisco! Yes, in San Francisco, we get 2 months of summer- October and May! On today's show- discussion of career options on the water and more! Thomson is quite the performer today! Special shout outs to the folks at WIDR in Michigan and Thomson makes his hockey picks. Thanks for listening!

Friday Oct 04, 2013
NHL Prodigy and Favorite Elements, EP90 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Thomson is 8 of 8 on his hockey picks for yesterday's games!!! But he broke his Dad's heart today when he picked the Hurricanes over the Red Wings!!! Now we've got to hope he's wrong! And on to the periodic elements- whaddya know about the Transactinides? Well Hassium is Thomson's favorite! Oh, and that silly Geranium! Who knew that the periodic table could be so much fun? Thank you Basher for your wonderful illustrations- they are fascinating!
Special SHOUT-OUTS to everyone at Laurel Hill Nursery School!

Friday Oct 04, 2013
30,000 Listener Special-PART-2, EP89 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Friday Oct 04, 2013
Elephants, HARS (?), and Ghosts, OH MY! With special guest Momma!
We are so super excited about how many people drop by our podbean site! Didya know that we are also available on iTunes? If you're feeling helpful, write us a review on iTunes, it helps people to find us!

Thursday Oct 03, 2013
30,000 Listener Special, Part-1, on A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Thursday Oct 03, 2013
Thursday Oct 03, 2013
Thank you so much for listening, sharing, and being a part of our unique little broadcasting family!! Thomson has some pretty interesting things to say today, including calling congress a drink-cart-machine!! LOL!!! BTW, that pic is Thomson's 'wrecker machine', and Thomson makes some pretty good Hockey picks!! ELE!!!

Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Thomas and Yoga, EP87 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Thomson sure is excited about trains and the Red Wings!! He does a little Kundalini Yoga finger meditation to calm and focus- Sa,Ta, Na, Ma... it seems to work!

Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Magic Number Nine Hockey Broadcast, DAY 1!
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Wednesday Oct 02, 2013
Oct 1, 2013, DAY ONE of the FULL SEASON of hockey!! Go DEEP into the game with John Madden, some call him a hockey expert, some just call him a nut, some would say- What's the difference?! Regardless- hate the game or love it- you will have a better appreciation for the game after 7 minutes of...
Magic Number Nine
your resource for hockey recaps, news and predictions

Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Trains Galore and NHL Picks, EP86 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Thomson is a big fan of trains, especially Thomas and Friends! Are the Scottish dour? Whaddya think? Thomson is also a big fan of HOCKEY, just like his dad! Can Thomson pick game winners? WHAT? Are you kidding me? Well, we'll see after today!

Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
Red Wings Preseason, Magic Number Nine Hockey Podcasts!
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
Gearing up for the 2013-2014 hockey season! Here's your 7min overview of where the Red Wings stand as we enter the season. Stay tuned for more in depth coverage of the greatest sport every devised by man- HOCKEY!!!

Tuesday Sep 24, 2013
Stephen Hawking and Nature, Ep85 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Sep 24, 2013
Tuesday Sep 24, 2013
Where does Stephen Hawking live?? Well Quantum Physics says... infinite possibilities and all! Who cares about Big Foot? or Nature? The challenge of having a smart kid- they know everything and are a bit contrary! Absolutely hilarious show, had me in tears! Hope you like it, too- ELE!!!!

Thursday Sep 19, 2013
Shout Outs and Spelling, Ep84 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Sep 19, 2013
Thursday Sep 19, 2013
Today's episode brought to you by the letter Q! Thomson & John discuss some difficult topics today- saying NO and playing with GUNS. Pretend guns, of course. Still, its terrible to hear 4yo boys pretending to shoot each other. Its not allowed at school, we discourage it at home, what else can you do? We would love to hear your thoughts on this! More important than ever - Everybody LOVE Everybody!!!

Thursday Sep 19, 2013
BIRTHDAY SHOW, EP83 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Thursday Sep 19, 2013
Thursday Sep 19, 2013
Hey, is Daddy's birthday! So why not celebrate with a stiff drink of coffee and some tasty milk for Thomson. Ah, the exciting life of a parent...but you can also learn some chemistry on today's show! Thanks for listening! ELE!!!!

Tuesday Sep 17, 2013
Hockey and Letters, EP82 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Sep 17, 2013
Tuesday Sep 17, 2013
Conjunction Junction, what's your function? Making letters? Adverbs? Anyone remember School House Rock? Even more important- last night was the Red Wings 1st preseason game of the year! We are excited about hockey season starting, and stay tuned to Whaddya Gonna Do About It? Radio because John will be doing hockey podcasts once again! Thanks for listenening- ELE!

Monday Sep 16, 2013
Heroes and Villians, Ep81 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Monday Sep 16, 2013
The never ending quest- understanding the nature of heroes and villians! Thanks for listening, please share, comment and come back often! ELE!

Friday Sep 13, 2013
Music VS. Musician, Ep80 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Does anyone else out there agree with Thomson- Robin Gibb is a little goofy? But he does like the music! Also working on numbers in different languages, and making more friends at Laurel Hill Nursery School! Thanks for listening- ELE!

Wednesday Sep 11, 2013
Pasteur and Stories, EP79 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Sep 11, 2013
Wednesday Sep 11, 2013
What does it mean when something is pasteurized? Learn along with Thomson, because he likes juice and milk an awful lot! You can add WGDA Radio to your iPhone as an app! Go to http://whaddyagonnadoaboutit.podbean.com/mobile/, at the bottom of the screen you will be able to click the "Quick Launch" icon and WGDA Radio will appear on your home screen! You can also subscribe to us on iTunes!! Thanks for listening- ELE!