
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Red Blood Cells and Biology, Ep145 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Wednesday May 14, 2014
Thomson's knowledge of red blood cells surprised even his Dad! This kid loves biology! He is surpassing junior high science levels at this point, we will have to send Thomson to a very special school so he won't be bored! We'd love to hear your feedback on podbean and iTunes and facebook and wherever else you like to comment!

Friday May 02, 2014
Friday May 02, 2014
Friday May 02, 2014
We love you and want to say thank you in as many languages as we know!

Friday May 02, 2014
Pulleyologist and Bruins, Ep144 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday May 02, 2014
Friday May 02, 2014
Well folks, today Thomson talks about pulleys in his cute 'radio voice'! And he's creating new words in a very smart way. You can also see Thomson's pulley diagram in today's picture. Plus Thomson's picks for the NHL playoffs.
Thanks for listening, SHARE IF YOU CARE - ELE!

Thursday May 01, 2014
Hearts and Blood, Ep143 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
Learn all about a very important organ- your HEART! I hope this episode captures your heart and you feel so compelled that you share our little show with all of your friends and family!
Thanks for listening- ELE!

Monday Apr 21, 2014
Tools and Hockey, Ep142 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Apr 21, 2014
Monday Apr 21, 2014
Easter bunnies, church, hockey, nails and screws... what do all of these things have in common? THOMSON!! LOL!
Thanks for listening, please check us out on iTunes and give us a review, this will help us be rated on the iTunes stores. ELE!!!

Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Fish skeletons and Easter eggs, Ep141 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Do you know what an ichthyologist is? Learn with Thomson today and hear all about hunting for eggs & cool crafts at the Laurel Hill Nursery School Spring Fair! Thanks for listening- share & subscribe to keep us going! ELE!

Thursday Apr 10, 2014
Artist and Shout outs, ep140 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Apr 10, 2014
Thursday Apr 10, 2014
Laurel Hill Nursery School has had its student's art up at the Richmond library for the last 2 weeks, tomorrow it moves to the Presidio Library- if you go to check it out look for Thomson's diptych, "Happy Day"! Thanks for listeneing- ELE!!
Special SHOUT-OUTS- Uncle Dave and Matt at Free Gold Watch!

Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Science Quiz and Squibs, EP139 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Do you know the 5 layers of Earth's atmosphere? How about the 5 states of matter? Listen now to refresh your science knowledge with 4yo Thomson! Can you believe the stuff he absorbs in that awesome brain?! Thanks for listening, please share, subscribe and come back for more. ELE!

Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Toast and Responsibility, Ep138 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Happy Spring Break! We've been cozy at home, watching the rain come down. Today we take a break from this busy schedule to do some radio for you! And Thomson invited me to be his special guest! Hope you enjoy it- ELE!

Monday Mar 24, 2014
Astronomy and Planets, Ep137 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Monday Mar 24, 2014
Monday Mar 24, 2014
Time to talk about Astronomy and the planets in our solar system! This is my favorite Basher book that Thomson has, its amazing when you can learn along with your kid! I want more astronomy on the next show, how about you guys? What is your favorite Cup of Coffee with Thomson?
Make sure to check out our new movie review show- cinema3way- where Thomson's Dad and Turkish TV star Birsen Birdir watch 3 films by 1 director. Movie lovers and even film geeks will learn something new on cinema3way! ELE!

Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Engines and Coal, EP136 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Its TRAIN TIME!! There's James, Thomas and D199! If your kid is into trains, he/she will LOVE this show! Thanks for listening, and please check out Thomson's archived shows where you will find topics like astronomy, biology, languages, monster movies and all sorts of things! ELE!

Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Trucks and the Netherlands, EP135 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014
How many kinds of trucks are there? LOTS! And with all of the construction going on in San Francisco right now, Thomson gets to see LOTS of trucks!
Thanks for listening all! ELE!

Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Balloons and Dinosaurs, Ep134 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson!
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
Tuesday Mar 11, 2014
I CAN SAY IT!! Thomson loves to say big words- the bigger the better! In case you haven't figured it out already, dear listeners, Thomson really likes language and communication! And what better big words than dinosaur names! All of us old farts will remember the 4 or 5 dinosaurs that we learned when we were kids, well there's LOTS more now. Oh well, all those dinosaurs and no balloons!
ELE!!! Show your love by subscribing on iTunes, because then your friends see your subscription, and they listen, and so on and so on!

Thursday Mar 06, 2014
Thursday Mar 06, 2014
Wild & Wooly show with special in-person guest, AC! Talking mustaches, heads, gaming and a funny funnel! But, unfortunately, no coffee!! Will someone get this poor, tired Dad some coffee? Where's our coffee sponsor??

Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Dinosaurs and Rain, Ep132 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Thomson tells a story about T-Rex and a Velociraptor, then talks about Art! You can see Thomson's school at the end of the block in this cute rainy day pic! Thanks for listening, stay warm & dry and listen to more episodes, we would love to hear which one is your favorite!

Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Grandmother and Wisdom, Ep131 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
Tuesday Feb 25, 2014
What is wisdom is the question! What do you say? Special guest today, if you would like to talk to Thomson let us know and you can be our next call in guest. Thanks for listening! ELE!

Friday Feb 21, 2014
Art and Comedy, Ep130 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Feb 21, 2014
Friday Feb 21, 2014
Thomson is pretty interested in making art lately, he uses a paint program on the PC and of course he uses markers, paints, and anything he can get his hands on to create art & maps! He's also pretty interested in jokes, do you have any jokes that Thomson would like? Put them in the comments, he wants to hear them!! Make us laugh, and we'll do our best to make you laugh, too!
ELE! THANKS FOR LISTENING, & as always, be generous with your social media network and share our lovely show!

Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Computers and Gilligan, Ep129 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Thomson is feeling better and excited to be making more radio for you, dear listeners! This is a super cute sing-a-long episode, enjoy!
ELE!! Please show your love by commented, following, sharing, or even checking us out on iTunes! Thank you!!

Monday Feb 10, 2014
Monday Feb 10, 2014
What's your favorite element? Thomson started with the Basher book on the periodic table, now he has this awesome chart with actual pictures of the elements. Do you know what the atomic number means? Well find out on the show today!
Good radio today, thanks for listening! We love your comments, so leave some! BTW, who would like to see Thomson do a periodic rap?!

Thursday Feb 06, 2014
Drawing and Colors, Ep127 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Feb 06, 2014
Thursday Feb 06, 2014
I wonder if kids in the future will even learn how how to write? Thomson can already type words, especially when he searches on youtube! But learning how to write is important I think, and Thomson is very interesting in writing letters and drawing all sorts of things.
Thanks for listening, we are so glad you get as much joy from listening as we do making these shows for you!

Wednesday Feb 05, 2014
Sports! And stickers, Ep126 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Feb 05, 2014
Wednesday Feb 05, 2014
Hooray ice hockey! And other sports, Thomson wants to try them all. He's learning about sports through this awesome sticker book. Thomson insists that his hero, Stephen Hawking; is coming to his hockey class! Well, why not? Thanks for listening, ELE!

Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
Rhode Island and Dinosaurs, Ep125 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
Could Jurassic Park have been wrong? What period did the T-Rex live in? Should Thomson be a paleontologist? And can anyone tell us what kind of rocks these are? The life of a 4yo is full of questions!! We love to ask questions- like Whaddya Gonna Do About It? We're making radio & movies! You can listen, enjoy, and share! ELE!

Thursday Jan 30, 2014
Art and Dinosaurs, Ep124 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Thursday Jan 30, 2014
Thursday Jan 30, 2014
Thomson wants to know- what's your favorite dinosaur? I bet you can guess what Thomson's favorite is, I think its every little boy's favorite dinosaur! And he has his special mask on so he can read his dinosaur book to you, dear listeners!!
Over 50K people have stopped by and listened, thank you! ELE!!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
Paint and Music, Ep123 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
You know that Paint program you never use on your PC? Well Thomson probably knows how to use it better than you! He can even name his files and save them! He's got his own folder of art on the desktop, stay tuned for ways that you can get a signed work of art for Thomson!
This is a special show dedicated to our #1 fans, Brett and Josie! Thanks for listening- ELE!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
Brachiosaurus and Rudolph, ep122 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
What do Brachiosaurus and Rudolph have in common? I have no idea, perhaps YOU, dear listener; can figure it out!! 4yo's are just bizarre! We are happy to have so many listeners that enjoy hearing Thomson weave his tales.
We learned yesterday that 4yo Josie not only learns about things like cartography from this show, but that she also loves to go to sleep to the soothing sounds of John & Thomson's voices! We love to hear your feedback, please share your thoughts with us! Podbean requires login to comment, but you can also comment on facebook, twitter and linkedin. ELE!

Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
Cartography and treasure! Ep121 of A Cup of Thomson
Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
When was the last time you created a map for treasure?! You don't need the treasure to create the map, because everyone knows the path IS the goal! And Thomson is definitely all about the path! Thomson uses chalk on sidewalk to note how to find important things like rocks from Mars and Venus. So if you are walking around in San Francisco, keep an eye out, maybe you will find Thomson's cartography! Thanks for listening, please share & follow, you can even download our mobile app for the iPhone! ELE!

Tuesday Jan 21, 2014
Finnegan and His Wake, EP120 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Jan 21, 2014
Tuesday Jan 21, 2014
Poor old Michael Finnegan! How about those whiskers?! Thank you Anne at Laurel Hill Nursery School for teaching the kids this catchy little tune! Be warned listeners, you WILL get this song stuck in your head!
Thanks for listening- please SHARE with all of your family & friends, maybe you'll brighten their day!

Friday Jan 17, 2014
Hockey and the Detroit Red Wings, ep119 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Friday Jan 17, 2014
Friday Jan 17, 2014
Red Wings fans, you're gonna love this episode! Thomson is taking ice skating lessons, so his appreciation of hockey has grown quite a bit now that he realizes how challenging it is to even be on the ice, much less hit a puck!
Thanks for listening- please share & come back for more! ELE!

Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
Breakfast and Archaeopteryx, Ep118 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
Radio vs. Television- what do you think? Would you rather HEAR Thomson & Dad or SEE them? If you want to see them, check out the collection of pictures from the show at http://www.pinterest.com/jodyyvette/wgdai-radio/
In the meantime, we have some good radio for you here! If you like the show, be sure to follow & share- ELE!

Tuesday Jan 14, 2014
Writing and Superheroes, ep117 of A Cup of Coffee with Thomson
Tuesday Jan 14, 2014
Tuesday Jan 14, 2014
Thomson is learning how to write! Cuck-a-doodle-doooo! This is one amped up kid! Oh, yeah, baby- ROCK-N-ROLL! If you don't get it, just LISTEN! And if you don't mind, follow us on podbean! This could help us to get some sponsors to help pay for the enormous amounts of coffee consumed in this show!!